Saturday, August 6, 2011

jimmy eat world at huntington beach

Y'ALL, yesterday i made the WISE decision to drive to huntington beach for a free jimmy eat world concert at the US open of surfing~*~
i had a lovely time sitting in traffic and missing the entire first half of the show.

then finally when i did get there i had no idea where i was going so i just followed the hordes of pedestrians. people were STARING and i can only attribute this to the fact that i was wearing regular clothing and not just a t-shirt with neon-colored bikini bottoms. then one guy came up to me and said "are those tights?" as if he had never seen tights before in real life. (but y'all it gets chilly on the beach, i was not in the wrong)
after walking ohhh i don't know 24952342 blocks, and trudging 9328457 miles through the sand, i approached the stage from which the delightful sounds of my second or possibly third favorite band were resonating. a wave of excitement rushed over me... are these THOUSANDS OF PPL all die-hard jimmy eat world fans like myself!?! oh no, i was mistaken, these are just surfer bros who only know "the middle" circa high school dayz 2001.

i tried to make my way towards the stage but this was clearly NOT HAPPENING, so eventually i just gave up and walked to the back where i could hear very well but not see at all. i DID however catch a glimpse of the back of jim adkins' head for 0.125 seconds. it was glorious.

soon i learned that i was standing in the area where the event staff/security took the ppl who were being "rowdy" or "causing prblms" or "bEiNg VioLeNt". i had the privilege of seeing tonnns of bros getting handcuffed and ~*~resisting arrest~*~ while listening to gr8 tunez~~~ like 23 and goodbye sky harbour. luv those songz y'all.

right before i left, i saw a cute opossum riding on a guy's shoulder. and everyone knows that opossums love jimmy eat world.

my favorite part of the evening was getting lost on the way home after my phone had died so i couldn't even call anyone to direct me home and i couldn't even ask for directions because all i saw was an abandoned train station. i was unaware that such deserted areas existed around here. luckily i was able to follow my trusty compass in the right direction until i found the interstate aka FREEWAY.

y'all. i had to open at work this morning so i have the rest of the day to do whatever i want~~
i haven't decided if i should do something productive or just watch criminal minds all day. both sound appealing.

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